Concept II Rowing Erg: 10 minutes
DB Row: 4x8xHeavy
C/S Row: 4x8xHeavy
Pull Overs: 4x12
Air Dyne All Out Sprints: 5x 1 minute
Front Planks: 3x1 minute
McGill Situps: 3x10
"Stir the Pots": 3x8 each direction
Suspended Knee Ups: 3x18
If you have time:
Cable Tricep Extension: 3x15 super set w/
DB Curls: 3x8
BB Curls: 3x8 super set w/
Supine DB Tricep Extension: 3x15
Dips: 3x18 super set w/
Hammer Curls: 3x8