Copyright: outchill / 123RF Stock Photo
This was never about “the game.” To this day, this kid can’t tell you his sporting stats. If you ask him about his income and business statistics, he has to look them up. “The game” was never the point. It’s always been about proving something. In adulthood, most people would say he’s proven everyone from his youth wrong—that he’s no longer the “stupid kid,” and that he’s become a very successful man. To him, however, there was always more to prove. But to whom?
Thirty years later, I now understand that I was blind to things that should have been important because I was trying to prove something to myself. What I didn’t understand was that this something didn’t need to be proved. It needed to be embraced. I was trying to prove something that couldn’t be proven in the first place. I was looking for the golden egg.
None of us can change the past. What we can do is look back and learn from our mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes I made was living my life according to the blast and dust scale. As my niece told me, this is analogous to living a life of heaven and hell.
Life is what happens in between the two.
except from Raising The Bar by Dave Tate