Now, no one is going to be impressed with my numbers but I am. My legs can always handle more weight but my lower back is always the limiting factor. On days I have felt strong and wanted to go higher in weight in the last few years, my back always reminds me that it isn't "structurally sound" and can't handle the pressure.
Last week while training legs I noticed that my legs started giving out without any feeling of pressure on my lower back. I remember thinking that I might be able to go up in weight but those kind of thoughts are typically met with ideas of how bad it would hurt if I was wrong and how much it would set me back - especially while prepping right now. This week I remembered that feeling from last week and took the chance and it felt great.
I squatted 315 for 2 sets for the first time in well over 3 years and maybe closer to 4. They were solid, too: controlled up and down, perfect depth, no shift of my "base" (hips/glutes) left or right, at all, and knees were locked in with no movement. My weight didn't transfer forward, either, and I stayed locked in and back. They were those reps that you rarely get when you are going heavier; I call them "green room" reps - like when a surfer is in the perfect tunnel and just rides it as long as he can.
Though my back is feeling better than ever (and my weight is coming down consistently so that always helps my back, as well), I also have to take into consideration that I reintroduced the Super-Compensation Glycogen Store compound this last weekend with my Skipload. I had not used it for a couple of months and with this being the first week back, the fullness and pumps were obvious, as was the strength increases I had all week. So, I am sure that the SCGS compound played a part in squat numbers being up, as well.
Down 3 pounds this week in scale weight and feel great. It has only been 3 weeks but it has been a breeze so far and I have lost 10 pounds with increases in strength at the same time. My diet is basically dead on right now for that to happen and with cardio remaining untouched at 5 sessions per week, everything is going great. I doubt it could be any better. Plus, keep in mind (and I will remind everyone often) that I am only TRT dosing so any progress in strength, size, etc., is certainly not gear related.
Mrs. Skip continues to progress and is getting leaner but she is pissed that her scale weight isn't falling as she recomps. She is also dealing with terrible tendonitis in her right arm that is either Tennis Elbow or Radial Tunnel Syndrome. No matter which it is, she needs rest this weekend and anti-inflammatories to try to get the pain to dissipate.
I will be increasing Skipload time this weekend quite a bit considering the progress at this early stage. I am shooting for 10 hours this Sunday.
Have a great weekend!
My TRT is prescribed by my Doctor (not an online TRT doc but my actual doctor) at 210mg per week and that typically has my blood
levels very close to 1200. I last had blood levels checked 4 months ago and will have them checked again after my shows this summer.