Nothing earth shattering but here is a workout I did by myself today.
High-pull/hang clean combo: 100kgs- 3 pulls/1 clean, 5 pulls/1 clean, 7 pulls/1 clean, 9 pulls/1 clean, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135kgs- 2 pulls/1 clean
Snatch grip deadlifts: 180kgs- 3, 4, 5, 6 reps, 210x1, 220x1, 230x1, 240x1
Front squats: 110kgs x 5x5, 130 x 1, 150x1
I never take picture or videos of myself during my training because I hate to see my giant stove hanging over my belt. Every time I do see a picture of myself training it usually takes a half a gallon of whiskey to erase the memory. I know seeing it should make me want to get serious about my eating but every time I even think of getting serious about my eating that makes me want to drink even more. It's a viscous circle.
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