Here you go. Pictures from my real life. My wife’s birthday dinner - then I made everyone turn their phones off and put them away. Those who want to know where my strength, motivation, and support come from... here it is.
I’ve always said to take care of and build solid relationships with those who will be closest to your casket when you pass.
They are the ones who will share your best times. The ones who will help you get out of the chair when you're not strong enough to do it on your own, wash you when your pride won’t let them, but you can’t do it on your own.
Check to make sure you're still breathing when you can barely do so on your own.
I don’t want this to be depressing, but I’ve been in all of these states and worse. Having a family is hard, and it takes a lot of work, but a day will come for us all when we will see just how important they are and why they are my first priority.
I love to help people get stronger and build their businesses, but these people I’d die for.
I rarely, if ever, post things like this, but I was recently asked a few times how “I” was doing and didn’t know how to answer. More truthfully, just didn’t care to answer. My issues, stress, and adversity have zero to do with anyone other than those you see here. I see no need or reason to post those, as my role for you all is to help, give back, and provide great products.
I handle my issues, work, business, and so on as professionally as I can. I’m honest about the fact that it’s never easy but we all can do it.
To answer how am I?
Today was a great day and I do thank those who asked because you made me aware of how uncomfortable that type of question is for me to answer and I will become better at it.
Thank You!