I think we all can agree if one doesn’t want to own a business or be an entrepreneur, they are not “lost” and may very well be living on their own terms.
I own a business and can tell you straight up I do not live on my own terms! I have suppliers, contractors, manufacturers, customers, inspectors, team members, etc that greatly impact what “my terms” would be.
What bothers me is all these business mentors, gurus, and masterminds trying to make those who work 40-hour weeks look less than they are.
Sure, there are people who work jobs they hate just as there are business owners who hate their jobs.
Most Take Pride In What They Do!
They don’t work for fame, fortune, likes, fans, followers, or subscribers. They serve you the best they can to make your day better, they build the cars we drive, work in steal mills, coal mines, oil fields, build our homes, schools, hospitals, and stadiums. They walk miles in warehouses building our goods, picking, packing, taping, and stacking.
Everything has been transported by a truck driver.
Maybe it’s my small town upbringing, maybe my rust belt values, maybe my country state of mind but I think if these mastermind gurus would just pause during their Coffee Shop Online Digital Conference and look around, they will see people who work in hospitals, offices, firms, agencies, as well as the wait staff hosting, taking orders, cleaning tables and floors and doing foot pounding work.
To all those out there putting in their 40 hours, we thank you for what you do! We thank you for serving, caring, helping, sweating, freezing, and protecting us. We thank you for doing the jobs so many others won’t. We thank you for your time! It’s appreciated in our hearts - not the fake digital ones. The digital world creates moments - you create memories! Remember that.
Don’t let anyone make you believe you’re lost. They are not writing the story. You are!