It never ceases to amaze me how so many others devalue the perception of other coaches who are really good at what they do.
I’ve also never understood why someone would offer online technical advice to anyone who doesn’t ask for it.
I don’t offer online coaching, as I know I can’t do it anywhere near as well as I can in person. I’m also fortunate that I don’t have to charge those I help. This means I won’t waste time on those who don’t listen or don't want to learn how to regulate their own training. To do so would be me being a shitty coach to those that want to learn.
Yet, I get dozens of form check DMs a day and do them all. I also get 5x as many questions and answer them all.
If I did offer online training, there would be no way in hell I’d have time to go stalk and find lifters to offer unsolicited advice to.
I said early this year that I’d help clients to better vet coaches. Well, here’s your tip. If they are making tons of unsolicited training and technique comments on posts, odds are really good that they suck.
FYI: any prick that thinks this is negative is thinking about “themselves” and NOT the people we all serve in this community.
FYI 2: I have zero vested interest in online coaching and have no plans to ever offer it. I do have a vested interest in the thousands of customers who’ve supported elitefts over the years and do - not - want - to - see - them - ripped off.