I guess this was inevitable.
After some truly great training weeks, I finally hit the wall and experienced a total burnout this week. Not disastrous, but I know now beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is time to deload for the XPCs
Sunday wasn't terrible, but it was harder than it should have been. The plan was to take an opener, than use either chain or a reverse band to get some top end work. I made it to 760 which I plan on opening with. It was a good squat, but holy crap was it hard. For contrast, I worked up to 770 last month PLUS 120 lbs of chain and it was pretty easy.
This felt like a ton right out of the rack and never got any easier. Didn't bother with any overload work because I was already pretty shot.
Tonight (Monday) was a bench day and the plan was also to take an opener.
The big issue here was my shoulder, which has been giving me trouble lately. Tonight was no exception. I wanted to shirt up again to have some more work with my new grip. I felt pretty strong, but that shoulder was killing me, and was making me tentative on the descent.
My final lift was 600 (my usual opener) and it went up, but was ungodly hard and the lockout kind of sucked. The pain was excruciating.
It was probably dumb to work up, especially since I already knew my nervous system was shot based on yesterday's squatting, but the fact is I am on limited time. The meet is a month away and I need to start reloading NOW. I figured (and I could be wrong) that it was better to take the weight now, and give myself the full 4 weeks to recover, rather than take it later and cut into my recovery time.
We'll see if this gamble pays off.
Right now I have all the signs of CNS burnout. Im tired all the time but not sleeping well. Irritable. Most importantly, Im suddenly weak as piss. Being in the game as long as I have, I know that I have plenty of time to recover, and if I play my cards right, I can show up to Columbus stronger than I've ever been in my life. But right now, this sucks, lol.