Very productive day:
1 Hockey Game (we lost to the San Jose Sharks, but my son played awesomely in the losing cause. )
2 Gutters Cleaned to make sure the rain goes where it needs to.
they were FILTHY.
1 Sump Pump checked, It was going on in the middle of the night and it was LOUD. Yup when it rains sometimes it gets a little wet under the house in the crawl space, but the pump keeps things dry.
Filled two cars
Now watching the Carolina Panther and the AZ Cardinals while preparing dinner.
JUST CALL ME Donny Domestic.
Dynamic Squat: 8x2x300 using the SSB Yoke Bar
super set w/
Dead Lift: 8x1x300
This was done as fast as we could. Three man rotation
Rep Box Squat: 10x12x100 using the SSB Yoke Bar