Sunday 45 mins stepmill, Monday 45 mins step mill
Deadlifts-I have been practicing with a regular texas power bar for deadlifting for several weeks. I was not really gonna do anything Saturday but some deadlifts just happened to happen. I have also been practicing with the belt really high up, pretty much on the ribs. Before I had it lower and it was not really working and I didn't get it,made my abs and back hurt more. I watched another leeman video where it was higher then I had it. I moved it there last week and this past weekend. I finally understood it then. To me, it keeps the mid and upper back together more so there is no break in the chain there. Also, it forces my abs out and down so levers are better.
So I pulled 585x1, 635x1 , both conventional, both pretty easily. The hook grip held well too. I have done 635 before hook grip, but not near as comfortable. I feel 700 on a hook is there but I will pull back and go back to the texas bar for several weeks.
After that some wide grip snatch deads to the knees and hold for a couple secs and repeat. 3x6
REverse hypers 4x12
9/29 Upper
Nothing but reps today. Light to Medium weights
Rope triceps with Utility strap pushdowns 200 reps
Rope pulldowns with Utility strap low pulls 200 reps
Rope curls and cable curls 200 reps
Light bench 200 reps