If you haven't been following my Training Videos on The YouTubes...YOU SHOULD BE!!! I've been killing myself for a long doggone time!
How long?
I began 2016 with a Training Max on my deadlift of 308 lbs, and 308 lbs physically hurt. Torn biceps(S), torn triceps, both teres majors, and left hamstring...on top of chemo.
I wrote out my dream plan early in the year and it began with a lot of light VOLUME deadlifting and speed deadlifts. After that I moved to a slow progression through 5/3/1 (mostly just 5 and 3) and then through a series of 4 week blocks involving percents in the 80-90% range for sets of 3 with chains. I've pulled over 800 lbs so many times that I believe with all of my being that I know how to build a deadlift, I just need time! I've done it before, I can do it again.
So Sunday came and it wasn't the perfect day. In fact, I was running on low sleep and high stress having my children at home alone for the week. I'd spent Saturday evening hooked up to a multitude of IV lines but Sunday came no matter what and the number was in my head. 704 lbs.
And somewhere in the loading process I couldn't figure out kilos, pounds, and keeping all of the voices in my head semi-quiet long enough to do so drove me to the point where I just added weight so that I was FOR SURE it was over 704 lbs on the bar.
And it went...