When people ask me "how are you?" My answer is always, "Dangerous".
Dangerous is being of significance and that is what keeps a man going strong.
I have lectured in the past about if it matters or not about a man's economic status. It doesn't matter what his social position is in life. It doesn't matter what rank a person is or what he stands for, but what DOES matter in the first TEN seconds of meeting that person in EVERY man's mind is..."Can I kick his ass?"
If the answer in your head is, Yes, then all is good in your world. If the answer is NO, then you have an issue that needs to be dealt with.
Being DANGEROUS is being significant. If the other fella is wondering for that brief moment and his answer is "I am at the mercy of this guy's mood" then you will always have the upper hand.
Always train to be DANGEROUS!
Try using that as a response and see the reaction you receive upon rendering such a badass statement.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Dynamic Bench: 8x5 w/ a pause on the chest @50% of predicted max
C/S Row: 5x10x135
Cable Rope Pushdowns: 3x20x100
DB LR: 3x30x25
like the RDD even if you are moving the DBs only four inches...KEEP GOING!
BB Curl: 3x30
Shrugs: 5x12x365
Bike Commute: 25 mins
AirDyne II: 30 mins
Meridian Exercises