Funny how I’m writing this one while I’m at my kids game instead of being in the gym with the group training.
If I was still in my competitive days this would never happen. If one of my training partners did it, I’d be PISSED! Actually, where I used to train you would get kicked out for it. Let me state that differently, I would have voted to kick the person out.
Over a decade ago when myself, and a few others, decided to let others come to train so we could help them and pass on what we knew, we decided there were a few of the Westside Rules we’d never embrace, simply because we hated them, but also, did know they worked and had their reason.
I didn’t want to always have to be there. I didn’t want to go to meets. I didn’t want lifters that the sport was their #1 priority. If that’s the case they should be at Westside. I also didn’t want any Elite ranked lifters. If we created them, they had to go somewhere else to train (my mind was changed on this; as you will see below)
All lifters were to be trained to coach and all coaches needed to lift. Regardless of level they learn to lift and coach the lifts. They are taught to train themselves and the others. In time, they collectively care more about the success of the rest then they do their own, and that’s a lot!
I’d like to say I created this, but it was that first group that set the standard. All went from gym rats to elite totals but, more so, set the standard of what it would mean to train at elitefts. Also, why it’s so hard to get in.
Ego too high; nothing to offer. Too good for others; nothing to offer. Think you know it all - nope! Full of negative BS; how’s that help? Can’t work hard; no good to them. Don’t like the environment? Leave
Pretend to be who you’re not; no good. If you can’t be yourself you will never find the focus, trust or strength required.
Trying to be your best won't work either. Trying and doing are the difference between dreaming and executing. Dream and fail and you are always in the same place. Execute and fail and you always fall forward.
Starting to see what I’m looking for now? I’ll lay it out more soon.