1. It makes you realize your own achievements. If stupid people piss you off, they are usually doing so because they lack the education, experience, and maturity you have. These are the times you should stop and realize what you do have and not take it for granted... because I assure you, there are people who are pissed off at how stupid you are. Hence, become smarter, better, and stronger.
2. It allows you to see what you will and will not tolerate. This in turn allows you to see what you value and what you don't, and to set your standards on that basis. Once you know your standards, the act of living up to them is how you will grow and become smarter, better, and stronger.
3. Lack of execution is because someone is stupid, lazy, or incompetent. When you see this in others, it places a mirror in front of your face to see it within yourself. In what areas are you now stupid, lazy, or incompetent? Simple changes made here will help you become smarter, better, and stronger.
4. Being raw, honest, and real will change the way you view the world and yourself. There is so much bullshit out there that you either choose to become part of it or become indifferent to it. In most cases, the things you hate are things pretending to be what they are not, aka, fake. When you get pissed at these things and think you don't give a fuck, you really do; that is why you noticed it. To become smarter, better, and stronger, you understand and work around and through it. This is usually done by staying busy getting your own shit done.
5. I've read that the opposite of hate is love. Thus, without knowing hate, how can one truly know love? Again, if you hate something, that means you actually care about it. The difference is a fine line. How do I know this? Because those things you really don't care about, you don't know they exist in the first place. This also allows you to know whom you will and will not "let in." You can't know what you like and trust if you don't know what you don't like or trust.
This is not saying you need to lift with hate and all that other stupid shit. You need to lift with focus! What I am saying is, don't get tied up in the things you hate or in other people hating you. It's a very normal part of life that plays a huge role in making us smarter, better, and stronger.
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