I was walking past the Pescidero Psychiatric Hospital (the same one Sara Conner was admitted to) and I heard all the patients yelling "13...13...13..."  Since the fence was too high to see over I took advantage of a small hole in the fence to take a peek.

At that point, some idiot poked me in the eye with a stick and they all began shouting, "14...14...14"


Today's Training:

AirDyne: 30 mins

Foam Roll and SMR

GHR: 2x10; 4x6x25

Reverse Hyper: 4x10x180

Incline Bench Straight Leg Raise: 2x40

Dynamic Effort Squat: 8x2x weight from last week plus 10 pounds

Bike Commute:  25 mins

Run:  Sprints: 10x50 yards