How long can I last can is a question with a lot of different answers. Now before you let your mind wander, I'll cut you off right there. I'm talking about how long can I get all four "planned" training days a week in?
I have been getting pretty good runs of training in, however, there's been a hiccup here or there that's prevented me from getting all my squat, deadlift, bench, and overhead days in for each month. Anyone who has trained with me knows, I have a propensity for screwing myself up. When things are going well, I lose my mind and do something just completely unnecessary.
For instance, I had a solid June in to July until I decided to squat with something other than the safety bar. Meanwhile I have not squatted with anything but a safety bar in well over a decade. Heck, there have been meets in the past where I have decided to box jump the week before. Meanwhile I had never box jumped in my life. It's like my mind goes haywire and I can't control it. So in order to keep myself from being stupid, I am challenging myself online. Perhaps this will hold me accountable to myself.
Now as long as I don't go changing anything you would think I should be able to go a while. Yeah, but I just don't trust myself. My goal right now is to hit double digits. Presently I have two weeks under my belt.
Regarding this past week's training, it went well. I hit all my AMRAP sets for 10 which is the cap I put on them. I did have to make one small change though. I'm having trouble recovering from ohp days. I think the 5/3/1 sets and 5 fsl (down sets) are beating me up. So for now I'm just sticking with the main 5/3/1 work and am dropping the down sets. This is not carved in stone. If I feel great, I will do the extra sets. It's good to be flexible as long as you are not being lazy and I know I am not lazy when it comes to training. I did slack a little on conditioning. I have to pick that up a bit.
It would be funny if there was some type of Elitefts pool to bet on how long I will make it. Knowing myself, if I was allowed to bet, I'd say three weeks. I just don't have that much faith in myself. It is said however, that admitting your problem is the first step in solving it. We'll see.
-Seated OHP with football bar 165x5, 190x3, 215x10
-One arm dbl rows 50/60/70/70/70 x10
-Dips bw 3x10
-Cable curl 20/40/45/50 x10
-Pullups 3x5
-Grip stick 3x10
*Foam roll/stretch
*Treadmill 60 minutes
*Foam roll/stretch
-SSB Box Squat 275x5, 315x3, 350x10, 275 5x8
-Back raises 10 5x10
-Ab wheel rollouts 3x10
-Bulgarian split squats 3x10
-Calf raises 3x15
*Foam roll/stretch
*1 hr deep tissue massage
-Bench 260x5, 300x5, 335x10
-Close grip shoulder saver with legs up 260 5x8
-Fat bar pulldowns to sternum 90/115/140/160/180 x10
-Fat bar pushdowns 90 3x10
-Cable rope curl 45 3x10
*Foam roll/stretch
-Trap bar deadlift 275x5, 315x3, 350x10, 275 5x8
-Back raises 10 5x10
-Trap bar shrug 255 3x15
-Ab wheel rollouts 3x10
-Bulgarian split squats 3x10
*Stand up paddleboard 90 minutes
*Treadmill 40 minutes
*Foam roll/stretch