I can't count the number of times I have heard people write or say they need to do "X" to stay relevant in their sport or market. Usually, the "X" is ego based in one form or another and will not make them or keep them relevant anywhere except their own head. If it does work it will be short lived.
Remember, all of those who were SO relevant several years ago?! Remember all the AWSOME PROGRAMS that were the BEST ever created?
Yeah, me neither.
Here is the tip for those looking to be relevant:
Give a fuck about helping people. Actually care!
Those who last the longest are the ones who care for the right reasons, and did so before they had products or services to sell, and/or do so expecting nothing in return. How many today would be helping others if social media didn't inflate their egos and/or they had nothing to sell?
How many quit helping others as soon as they had nothing left to sell or discovered their sales sucked? How many who “made it” keep helping after they have, or do they ride off into the sunset?
Take away the ego, take away the money, and you will quickly find out who cares for the right reasons and who does not.
I am not against making money, but that will come and last when you give a fuck. The money can also come when you don't care about anything else but it - that’s because you can fool some of the people some of the time, but after that, you will have to figure out how to be relevant again.
You have the right to run your business and services however you like, but after being asked a couple of dozen times now, here is my answer on how to become and stay relevant:
Giving a fuck goes a long way!