It is true, everyone wants to bench press "3 bills". It is a milestone that we all either seek to achieve or we remember the day when we did it!
My friend, Jason, has been training for a little while now with his eyes sitting on just that sight...300 lbs! 295 just won't do...must be 300 pounds!
It is easy to choose your goals but sometimes we have difficulties determining exactly how we should go about achieving them. Most of the time, and as is in his case, we just go out and decide to "work hard" while we don't know exactly WHY we are doing what we are doing, just that "hard work" is supposed to be THE KEY!
I'm going to tell you right now that you are not going to take your bench press from 265 lbs to 300 lbs in 5 months JUST by "hard work". If you want to bench press 300 lbs you will have to put your mind to work. You will have to do it The Old Fashioned Method...EARN IT!