Building a big deadlift is not only a complex task but it is also a very simple one. Make no mistake about it, I see building the deadlift as a complete list of things that has to be put together and built upon OVER TIME in order to make it impressive but a few things always stand true.
1) Deadlift: You have to deadlift to deadlift big. Some people simply need to learn HOW TO deadlift heavy weights because it is an interesting mind set and skill. Speaking of skill, you need to always be training the deadlift skill even if it is with speed/skill work. As your body and strength levels change, so will your deadlift technique and timing. Always pull something with purpose.
2) The Correct Accessories: I know that in order for me to deadlift big I need three big accessories. A) A Big Box Squat with either bands or chains. B) The ability to train abs with weights added on a consistent basis, both for strength and pre-hab. C) Strong hamstrings built with heavy Glute Ham Raises. My box squat is rising and I'm fresh off of an outstanding band cycle. I'm consistently training abs and starting to add weight and my Glute Ham Raises are getting stronger as well.
3) The Correct Mentality: For me this is usually pretty simple. I just let the inner voices start talking to each other in my head and the next thing that you know I have AC/DC turned up to 11 and I'm bleeding from random places and won't be able to see straight for several days. Currently, however, this is not the case. Let me explain...
- My tendons are weak and I have several injuries the need to heal. In 2015 I have had 2 bicep injuries, a lat injury (into my bicep), and a hamstring injury. All of this leaves questions in my mind every single time I put my hand around any barbell as I begin to wonder "will this be the rep that tears it off completely?". I combat this, as much as possible, with extra warm ups, extra stretching, TOAST warming cream, Camo Rehband knee sleeves on my elbows, my METAL Deadlift Suit (King Pro), and keeping my mind busy with a little AC/DC. It may all sound stupid, but it all helps my mentality.
- I'm very tired most days. I won't lie, I'm almost always running on fumes and just getting to the gym some days is a major chore. Spending 30 minutes after a 10 minute car ride just to get over car sickness (and I was driving) is very common, expected even. To combat this, I let those inner voices take over no matter what that may mean. Sometimes it may mean I head butt a squat bar, forearm shivered the concrete wall before a bench press, or having an altercation with the squat rack just before a deadlift attempt. No matter what, I let the voices in my head start crossing the red and black wires in my head and I do my best to steer through the traffic with the pedal to the floor.
I fully understand that if you want to be a good deadlifter you have to be a little crazy. For those that know me, the real me, they know that I am just as crazy as I am kind. So when I'm in the gym...I let myself get a little crazy.
600 was the weight that I WANTED in the gym. Even though this is over 200 lbs under my best deadlift, it would be more than I had pulled in 3 months.
Heavy Accessories
Get a little crazy
Camo Elbow Sleeves
METAL Deadlift Suit
P2 Belt
Air Guitar
Air Drums