For many years all deloading meant to me was taking it easy and giving my body a break. Now with all my body has been through, more important than the break, is the reflection. It's a time to look at what worked and what didn't. For me I look at all facets of my training. That includes the actual lifting itself, nutrition, conditioning, and recovery.
My training has gone fairly well. I am pretty sure that I need to get back on the box for squatting and use a wide stance. My knees have ached otherwise. For deadlift I have crept my stance in and am responding well to it. With the bench, I have to keep my legs forward. I tried to inch my feet back and it started to tear up the thoracic area of my back again. Plus, I am going to take the shoulder saver away for my fsl (down) sets. I want to see how my body responds to full close grip reps for a month. Lastly, I am taking out ohp. I just can't recover with four main lift days. Instead I'll do some type of supplemental bench movement. I'm thinking JM presses or extensions. The rest will just be upper body assistance like on the ohp day.
Conditioning wise, I have been getting at least one session in on my off days. The most important thing is getting the heart going for 20 minutes and I have done that. That said, I have not been hitting as many hard sessions like prowler work and more intense tabatas. I want to get back to that.
Nutrition has been good. My weight is slowly creeping down which is my goal. I am getting tighter while maintaining my strength. Nothing to change here.
I am really happy with where I am regarding recovery. I have been foam rolling and or stretching everyday. Plus I have been doing some contrast showers. One of the most important things I have been doing is getting my butt to bed. I'll always say, sleeping is not fancy, but it's one of the single most important facets to recovery.
All in all it's been a very good stretch. I have three weeks of pain free training under my belt. Now I get a week to dial it back and regroup for the next cycle.
So next time you have a deload, take a little time to reflect.
-Seated OHP with football bar 180x5, 200x3, 225x10
-One arm dbl rows 50/60/70/70/70 x10
-Dips bw 3x10
-Cable curl 20/40/45/50 x10
-Pullups 3x5
-Grip stick 3x10
*Treadmill 30 minutes
*Foam roll/stretch
-SSB Box Squat 295x5, 330x3, 370x10, 295 5x8
-Back raises 10 3x10
-Ab wheel rollouts 3x10
-Bulgarian split squats 3x10
-Calf raises 3x10
*Walk w/40 lb weight vest 20 minutes
*Foam roll/stretch
-Bench 280x5, 315x3, 355x9
-Dynamic bench 260 5x5
-Fat bar pulldowns to sternum 90/115/140/160/180 x10
-Fat bar pushdowns 90 3x10
-Cable rope curl 45 3x10
-Trap bar deadlift 295x5, 330x3, 370x10, 295 5x8
-Back raises 10 5x10
-Trap bar shrug 255 3x15
-Ab wheel rollouts 3x10
-Bulgarian split squats 3x10
*Treadmill 30 minutes
*Light kb tabata
*Foam roll/stretch