Over the decades I've had some really cool experiences as a coach. I've enjoyed many successes and feel a part of a person's victory as they beam with excitement.
It doesn't matter if it's raising a cup for a World Championship or getting "signed" to play at a college, university or Professional organization. Heck, there was a major victory today in cinching down a fellas weight belt to the NEXT notch. I like those victories and don't take any of them lightly.
I've also had my share of "dark confessions". People have shared with me their deepest, most intimate thoughts and "Demons".
If the subject is something I have a working knowledge of, then I'll step out and give that person MY OPINION. If it's something that is way above my pay grade, I'll let the person know that and that I am only there to LISTEN to the issues. Then I will help to find a viable resource for that individual.
Often, I will plant a "mustard seed" and ask..."how is your faith?"
That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Religion is not my gig. Spirituality however is. It is NOT my job to lead a person anywhere other than becoming stronger, faster, smarter and definitely sexier. But if that question gets rooted and then the person goes about "seeking" more...then so be it.
Even with myself...I roll out out of bed and hit my knees right of way asking my God to teach me big things in small ways (the other way around might hurt a bit too much) and DAILY I am given the opportunity to get practice.
While I enjoy all the serendipities of being a Strength and Conditioning coach, there comes a time when even I have reached the point of bifurcation.
TODAY was my test!
I won't go into the details of the straw that broke the camel's back but let's just say the weeks leading up to last evening and this morning have been filled with passionate dark and depressed thoughts by people you wouldn't expect.
My constant barrage of depressed thoughts wore me out. I was even asked by a naive man as to "how do you do it?"
I was at the boiling point and realized that I was not in control and my faith was being tested.
For the record this is what popped into my thoughts...
"Though I walk through the valley of death, I fear no evil (hahahaha, yea, because I am the baddest motherfucker on the planet and the devil whispers to himself when I show up, 'fuck! there he is again') for the Lord is my shepherd AND I SHALL NOT WANT!!!
I shall not want,
I shall not want.
I shall not want
(that's not a typo)
Did you get that?
I wasn't called because I was equipped. I got equipped because I was called!
I have everything I need.
How is YOUR faith?
You have EVERYTHING already that you need!
Today's Training:
Reverse Hyper: 50 reps
Ab Wheel: 50 reps
Suspended Good Mornings: 6 rep max
GHR: 5x10
OHP: 3x10x+10 lb more than last time
DB Lateral Raise: 3x10x40
Upright Row: 3x10
KB Bouncing Shrugs: 3x10x70
Bike: 20 mins.
Sprint: 100's @80%