Perspective is a weird thing since we often forget there are other views outside of our own and multiple sides to the same idea.
We see people write about weight training and say things like: "I’d die for this". And they mean it. Others say they would die for it, but have never been close enough to death to really know what that means. And I’m sure to many people, just the idea of writing that sentiment sounds insane.
I know people that actually train in a way that could actually kill them and they are ok with it. Then there are those who will end up disabled or dead from it. There’s already a wake of beat up meatheads who’ve paid big prices for what they love and seem ok with it. But did they sacrifice for it or did their loved ones sacrifice so they could do it?
Over the past few weeks I’ve seen people compete and do amazing things. Meanwhile, over this exact same period, I’ve seen people check into the ER for blown out knees, vomit blood due to a weight cut, and a couple others who made the very hard decision to hang it up for good.
Others still think back to how great training and competing used to be while barely being able to move. But they still feel deep down like they CAN be like that again... Meanwhile others feel they will never get there or keep growing impatient - when they very possibly could become one of the best ever.
Others still think back to how great training and competing used to be while barely being able to move. But they still feel deep down like they CAN be like that again... Meanwhile others feel they will never get there or keep growing impatient - when they very possibly could become one of the best ever.
Sometimes what you think and feel is so right, that it’s wrong. Meanwhile what you fear and are scared of could be exactly what’s right.
How’s that for some perspective?