We're all a bunch of addicts, each one of us struggle with our drug of choice.
For me, it has been the intensity of training for the unforgiving ability to make a hit in the contact sports I chose.
It still gives me chills when I can recall the effort and painless delivery of such a blow.
Physics dictates the smaller object can and will execute the energy transfer as long as the smaller object is moving faster.
Changing a tackle or check into a pulverizing "hit" is also a matter of hip drive and torque.
Watching Lawerence Taylor of New York Giant fame or Jack Tatum or even the modern day fellas like Cam Chancelor will exhibit the fundamentals and artistic flow of the motion.
Like a wolf pup that has his first taste of blood that launches it's WANT for more...Today my son not only delivered ONE such check, but a second one that got him kicked out of the hockey game today.
Unfortunately while both checks were perfectly executed, they are two levels below the age by which they become legal.
Thus, he has a one game suspension on top of the ejection.
AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! It is the FIRST game of the round robin Championship series.
While we were all concerned about the young man that had to be carried off the ice, Hunter was OK with the fact of his sentencing.
The squad that he played is one of TWO teams in a very successful program. Because they are the second team, they don't have the quality of skater the first team has, and subsequently revert to being a bit more "chippy". The games consistently become an eruption of emotions.
Hunter plays defense and as any good defensemen will do, he was protecting his Goalie and one of the best players in the league.
When I met him at the rinks door to escort him to the locker room, he no tears, he wasn't upset and he was quite a bit determined and focused as we exited.
As we got into our street clothes, I told him that he would probably be taking a game suspension.
This sadden him a bit. Then I asked...Was it worth it?
He answered the only way I would expect him to..."Dad, those two kids deserved what I did. I would do it harder the next time if they don't leave our guys alone. I'm not upset by the check. I'm upset that I let my team down before we start the next series. I'd do it again though."
Don't FUCK with the guy that has "Selkow" on the back of his jersey.
Though he be small, he is MIGHTY!
I must admit...the acorn does not fall too far from the tree.
Dead Lifts: 10x2x50% + Bands
D.E. Box Squat: 10x2x50%
Took the chains and bands off the squat as my sciatic nerve was BARKING at me. Then I stretched like cat in between doing
Reverse Hyper: 3x15x a Shit ton of weight. The first few reps were pretty awful. But once my sacrum was broken in half, the pain subsided.
Homework assignment for the groups:
1. Mini Skips 5x10 seconds w/ 20 second rest intervals
2. 8x20 yard Sprints
3. 3 cone drill x 4 with 90 second rest
4. Back Pedal: 4x15 yards with 60 second rest interval