My pec is getting better or I might just be hurting everything else so bad that I have what I term "pain dissociation".
I actually inclined benched then super set it with flat bench and then did 10 push ups after EVERY set today. So heres what it looked like:
Warm up: Push ups: 5x10
Incline Bench x 10x100
Flat Bench x 10x100
Push up x 10
X 5
Cable Cross Over x 10x30
Push Ups X 10
Shrugs: x 8x475
Push Ups x 10
X 5
4 way neck x 8x5.5
Push ups x 10 x 4
Shoulder Crank: x12x10
Push Ups x 10
X 4
Face Pulls: 4x15x40
That's 280 push ups! THAT's the REST interval. As soon as the PU were done I began the next set.
Bike ride home
Then the stupidity...
Here's where I go nuts. April is working at her office in San Jose, which leaves me unchaperoned. So I decide before having lunch, I'll get that distance run in with Cooper my dog.
I start out the back gate to the park where I live and I see this guy legitimately JOGGING. Since I weigh over 200 I can't even say the word.
To me, it's 'Og'n until I pick up the pace to dust this cherry.
Unfortunately, he picks the pace up too.
Now my competitive feathers are ruffled. PHOQUE!
I start to hit my stride going down a decline. (large objects roll nicely downhill)
The ENEMY picks his time and spot and blows by me. Only NOT FOR LONG! This is now a RACE damn it! Against some foreign enemy probably a Communist or worse a RADICAL Terrorist.
I must rip his lungs out! So I fly by HIM on the turn. My poor dog is now huff'n and puff'n and a leash length behind me.
The fellow calls out..."Is that a Bernese Mtn. Dog?" without so much as a labored breath. To which I answer, breathing as normally as an asthmatic patient could, "why yes, yes it is".
This competitor is now off my right shoulder wanting to carry on a conversation of which I will have NONE!
Problem occurs that he turns where I normally turn to start my way back to the house.
Well...knowing that I can't hold this World Record pace for much longer without blowing a windbag in my chest, I go straight as if it were part of my normal game.
I wave and say "farewell" (muttering the word "@$$hole" under my exasperated breath and now need to add an additional TWO miles.
Now I squat typing this with that persistent cough that comes when you blow out the baffles during a highly ANAEROBIC activity.
So, it's time to consume some Magnesium and eat 10,000 calories so I don't lose my gains.