I normally get to the gym and immediately write the days program from my "Harry's Book of Big Time Awesome" up on the white board.
I have MANY participants that have a variety of special needs so there is quite the diversity going on, especially at Zero Dark Thirty.
So today, I put FOUR different programs up on the poor like Pablo Picasso. I didn't use straight lines, no, no, no...I used COLOR.
This proved to be not only ART, but it actually had people looking at their program and THEN asking me SPECIFIC questions vs. "What do you want me to do?" To which I normally respond..."Read the board first...THEN re ask your question please"
This was my art. I call it "Tribute to an Amway Meeting"
Since I was crushed for time today I CRAMMED four sets into two, and doubled rep counts from 15 to 30 and 8 into 16. Also instead of 3 sets of 12 I hammered out 2 sets of 18. I'm not sure if it sped things up, but I did get quite the PUMP!
Suspended Knee Ups: 2x18
Bosu Situps to floor parallel: 2x18
Trunk side flexion using the 45 degree back raise: 2x18
Cable Wood chop: 2x18
Pull Up Hell: 5 different hand positions on the Monkey bar attachment doing 2 sets of 30 reps in each.
Blast Strap Inverted Row: 2x60 reps
Rear Delt Destroyer (more like Scap Rat Killer) 1x60-40-20 x 35-26-18
Dips: 2x50 super set with Hammer Curl: 2x16
DB Curl: 2x16 super set with Rope Push Downs: 2x30
Rig up the Reverse Hyper for Supine Zig Zag bar Skull Crusher: 2x30 super set with
Reverse Hyper Standing curls: 2x16