I have some habits that I'm working on to break. In particular the total amount of time wasted on social media (and I use ONE account. the other is tied to it but I never visit and a third that I have no idea how I obtained it)
Think about it, if you are reading this right now via hip hop'n through say, Facebook you have had to already read no less than 10 complaints, 10 negative thoughts and/or opinions, 5 "put on blast" and if you are like me, no less than 50 political somebody done someone wrong songs.
No wonder people are so angry with each other. You are a products of your surroundings. What exactly are you feeding your brain?
Granted, I am NO angel and have been guilty of being opinionated, but for the love of God how about my rule 67? (No Complaining)
Try this, I'm not suggesting you delete anyone, but the first time you read a negative statement put that person on your 30 day suspension list. See what happens to your news feeds. See what happens to your attitude. Look for some positives in the negative stink'n think'n. I'll bet you will become quite the comic or the critic (in a positive way)
When you start your day in a better mood, watch what happens to those people around you. I promise you'll become contagious, and that's not a bad thing.
Your training will improve
Your relations will improve
You'll become smarter
You'll even get sexier than you already are...(imagine that?)
Your physique will improve
and certainly your posture will improve and I'm not writing about your body's alignment issues.
Now, go out and play. Have some fun and write about it.
Trust me, I'm a doctor. (or at least I think I play one on daytime T.V.)
Today's Training:
Bike Commute
Dead Lift/ Good Morning
Reverse Hyper
Back Extension
Bike Commute