While stalking Steve Pulcinella's Facebook Page. Ya, this is part of my daily routine due to my #mancrush on Stevie P.
I notice a couple weeks ago he got a new batch of hats in. I have had mine for just over a year now and it smells like ass and looks rancid as hell. I have worn this for over 100 training sessions, it's been to the beach, pool, barn, bailing hay, tossing sawdust, lost in my garage for a few weeks, stuffed in the "lost world" part of my gym bag and in almost every Table Talk video series.

Dave Tate's Rancid Hat
I saw his post with his new version of the hat (now have his name on it) and I had to have one. Not only did the one I have smell like ass I couldn't get the smell out of it no matter what I did. Plus this one had his name on it.
Plus, you know #mancrush #nothingbetter #mangrip #thoseeyes
Now, here was my issue...
You see Steve is not just a Dick online, he really is a Dick and doesn't sell these online. If you want one you need to go to his gym and get one. I had to come up with a way to guilt trip him into sending me a new one. So, I sent him a picture of my rancid hat and said that I needed a new one because mine smelled like shit and I like to wear them in my table talk video (see what I did there, using the free advertising angle).
His reply was a picture of his hat and the message below.
Apparently the free advertising didn't mean shit. LOL
Earlier last year I actually got off my ass and went to the post office and sent Dave Tate an Iron Sport hat. As soon as it arrived it was apparent that it became Dave's favorite article of clothing and being the complete OCD creature of habit that Dave is he took to wearing it 24/7. You see him training in it, wearing it around the office, shooting his table talk videos in it and his wife has even confided in me that he wears it during sex because it makes him feel "more virile and handsome like Stevey P".
Dave's hat started showing signs of wear and tear due to him being in a perennial bulking phase which is really just code for "I can't stop eating like a slob, help me, please somebody help me" his sweaty head started turning his hat into something not of this earth. When he texted me a picture of it I LAUGHED. HA! My training hat looks way worse and thus this contest was born. I submit to you my rancid hat photo, and due to my Italian/American heritage and pepperoni grease forehead sweat it makes my brown stained hat far more disgusting. Sometimes it's still damp and cold from my last training session and I think twice about actually putting it on my head.
So you be the judge.
- Steve
Before seeing his hat I suggested we run a contest to see who's hat was the most rancid. I will still going to do this and was in the process of setting up the Poll when I download the images to my computer. Once I looked at his hat for real (not what I could see on my phone) it was clear there was no need to do I poll.
Not only did I fail,
I got beat to the ground.
He did send me a new hat but I am not worthy or wearing it until my looks the same as his. To do this my plan is...
1. Less Hood Up Time - More Hat Time
2. No more hat in the pool. I think the chemicals might be cleaning it.
3. When it gets to wet - do not hang dry outside. I think Steve's had mold in it so I need to toss it in a box in the corner of the gym or something. Maybe toss it in the puke bucket with the cat litter.
4. When it gets hard, don't wash it in the sink, mold that shit to my head and let my sweat break it down.
The take away, is Steve might be a Dick but I ALWAYS learn something from him.
NOTE: I am messing with Steve, He is not a Dick and runs a great gym where his members love him. If you are in the Philly area stop by his gym to train and while you are there pick up a hat. Yes, I got my hat for free but it has nothing to do with this post and I will not make a dime off any hats he does sell. This is my disclosure so the FTC doesn't jump my ass for breaking some advertising policy. Now if I can get Steve to auction his nasty hat then it wouldn't seem right to give that money to charity (Dirty Money). So I will want my cut of that. I think we could each walk about with about 3 cents each.
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Friday: 8:00am – 10:00pm
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