Once a year somebody brings some Kryptonite into my house and socks me right in the feel goods. This episode was no different.
Friday went well all day. Got up, ran, lifted, biked, kicked ass even cracked a beer while making dinner. Then all of a sudden, "The I'm going to hit you in the face Express" came through.
First thing I did was abuse the alcohol by dumping it. Didn't have a hankering for any. Put dinner out for my family and promptly retreated to the shower thinking a hot one would surely take the chill out of my bones.
I think I might have used the entire hot water tank, but still was shivering.
I jumped into bed with sweats, wool socks and a beanie in an attempt to warm up. I was shaking so much so through the night, I had an awesome ab and low back pump.
April found me in quite the quandary and was puzzled by my night's attire, so out came the thermometer.
105? No way. She took hers...98.6. She took mine again, 105? She took Hunter's...98.6 She took mine??? Yup 105 and I was shivering.
Saturday came and went and the most active thing I did was breath.
I laid around so much that my body ached from IT!
I figured that if you have a temperature of 105 should you at least hallucinate? No such luck. No other symptoms. No nausea, throwing up, or eh hem...you know ? Just a ridiculous temp and shivering.
When April asked if I needed anything, my reply was...$50 and a brand new tattoo! She gave that look then rolled her eyes. She knew I wasn't going to die.
I stayed home from my son's hockey game on Sunday which I NEVER do and started to feel better by noon. Go figure.
I woke up this morning and felt like nothing was ever wrong, so...
Today's Training:
Run: 5K Slow
4 hole Pin Pull (6 reps heavy): Work up in small increments to a PRE of 7
Then add two more sets of 6 at that weight
Reverse Hyper: 3x12
45 degree back extension: 3x12
Ab Wheel Roll Out: 3x12
Concept II Row: 20 minutes
AirDyne: 20 minutes
Big THANK YOU for your time, wisdom and humor. Most important ability is availability....all day, everyday....feel better soon!