Monday morning at 0259 I leaped out of bed, prayed, off loaded, scraped my fangs, washed my face and got on the AirDyne. I couldn't wait!
I do that daily, but Monday is a chance to start everything over.
I get to the gym prior to anyone else (That's because I have the keys) and set up with a bounce in my step and a whistle on my lip.
I am up and hopefully that energy is carrying over to the people getting in to train with me.
Sometimes they are just NOT INTO IT! So I feel it's my job to get them there.
Once warmed up, everyone today had a good session. Strong and fast. The ones that went through the motion were lacking the one thing that helps everyone complete the mission...MENTAL Strength.
Physical strength will get you started. Mental strength will allow you to finish.
Your thoughts dictate your action
You actions create your habits
Your habits create your destiny.
Remember..."GIGO" Good stuff in= Good stuff out!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 24 mins
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12
Free Motion Wood Chop: 4x12
Dynamic DeadLift:
5x1x50% of max
5x1x50% + One Chain
5x1x50% + Two Chains
5x1x50% + Three Chains
Reverse Hypers w/ a hold on contraction: 4x12
Hip Extensions w/ band: 100 reps
Ab Crunch: 100 reps
Bike Commute: 27 mins.