When I was a kid, my mom would make Brussel Sprouts for the family KNOWING that her only son despised them. Yea, yea...I know I "haven't tried YOUR Brussel Sprout..." Get this, I won't like them either!
My mother was (is) a Saintly women and for that I would eat them, even though I GAGGED on the flavor. My mother was also a GENIUS. She would tell me when brussel sprouts were being (whatever way you cook the little bastards) she would end it with "I also made a nice CHEESECAKE! She knew, as much as I HATED those sprouts, I LOVE creamy cheesecake.
So here's what I'd do, I would SEIZE those Brussel Sprouts and eat them in one swoop as fast as I could! Whoomph and gone! I ate them SO FAST I would barely taste them.
Why? HA! I wanted the cheesecake!!!
Everyday, I hear a similar complaint (total disregard for Rule #67) about "hating conditioning". Everyday...WE DO CONDITIONING!
Whats the correlation? How about this, since you hate it so much, AND you know you HAVE to do it...Do it FIRST and fast (like me eating Brussels Sprouts) so you can get to the other stuff you like doing!
Cool! Now eat the Sprouts motherfucker!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 11 minutes
Dynamic Box Squat: 8x2 @ 25 pounds for men, 15 for women 275 for my crew
Rep Squat: 5x10@ Same weight you had last week for reps, 225 for my guys
Single Leg 16" box step ups: 5x10
GHR: 5x10
Bike Commute: 20 minutes (into the wind)
6x100 @75%-80%