The story is more about MOTIVATION rather than a sad story of a dog, so look deeper than just the surface...
There was a young man walking on the sidewalk down a lovely street when he came upon a house with a wide front porch with a double swing, a couch, and a rocking chair for lazy days.
On the porch was an old man sitting in the rocking chair and a dog that was HOWLING pretty loud and long.
The young man walking stopped and asked the old man, "why is that dog howl'n so much?" to which the old man answered, "because he's laying on a nail."
The young man then asked, "why doesn't he move?" To which the old man replied, "I suppose it doesn't hurt him enough".
You see, people are motivated from within because they are running TOWARDS something, a goal or a reward or prize, OR they are running AWAY from something, like bad health, social turmoil, etcetera.
Unless the pain of NOT having is not great enough, we will sit there on the nail and simply bitch about it. We need to find the catalyst to get us moving!
Once that happens, then it's simply a matter of DISCIPLINE!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Stretch and Foam Rolled for an hour.
"Donnie Domestic" exercises: I had to replace a drain pipe in the wall which required not only cutting through the wall and pipe but moving the washing machine and dryers and then ...
Hyper Clean the entire Ponderosa since I was already in full Maid Mode.
I guess the pain was good enough to get it move'n today.