I've been critiqued and now understand by one person's standard how much this Coaching Log sucks. While I have a shit ton of content, this person isn't interested.
They would rather see a personal story with depth that I'm lacking to appeal more to the masses (which this IS my trial at being more personal and in depth)
There seems to be an issue with my lead in anecdotes or quote that has touched me so that I may share it with someone that reads my crap and touches them. I suppose having a person come up to me and say, "Hey coach, remember that thing you wrote (or said) 20 years ago?" To which I having no idea respond, YES. "Well I never got the chance to tell you that it changed my life" Oh really? Hmmm, best throw that idea away because it doesn't follow this person's idea of what a good coaching log might be.
The idea of "listing" the daily workout got a sort of thumbs up, if I tell a funny story about it or someone, but mostly was not given the "all good to go" sign of approval. That makes me think of the people from my gym that are traveling and want to keep up with the training while they are away. Better yet, for the last 10 or more years that I've contributed to EliteFTS all the FREE programming that people had taken, used, and have reported back great success stories. Far better to charge for this crap and call myself an "On Line Trainer" I suppose.
Here's the thing, I don't give a fuck about the masses. I could make a shit ton more money IN my gym, or on line. I don't cater to the masses, nor will I. I choose to touch A person, if that person needs what I am saying.
If A poem, or A quote or something sarcastic or dialoged from a movie that I say gives even ONE person that "ah-ha" moment, then it was worth it to ME!
If you like the way I keep this log, drop me a line. Better yet, I should give you the address of the person who criticized me and you could write THAT person.
If you think that person is correct in their assessment, write me anyway so I know I'm out of bounds and need to fix it. After all, I'd rather cater to the people that have been loyal to me all these years rather than a person I've never met. How's my sense of humor NOW?
I'm not naming names! That's not how I do things. I'll protect everyone that has tossed their two cents in. But know this, there is a way of encouraging rather than criticizing.
Having MORE depth and writing less FREQUENT is a horrible idea. What are those people going to do that get their workouts daily (for free, again.) from me if I don't give content DAILY?
As for reading a longer log? The average human being attention span in today's age of technology is less than a housefly. It's 13 seconds and a housefly will rub it's little tiny front legs sitting in one spot for 14 seconds if unprovoked. (Now there's something I bet no one knew)
I guess this is "UP" from the bottom that it's been placed in.
Tomorrow I'll work on being funnier. As for talking about a specific person in my program? Naaaa...I'm sure they would rather remain anonymous just like you.
Today's training:
Run: 5K (just me. this is my part that I did and didn't demand others to do, unless they wanted to) See, I separated what I do and what I have other do. Makes it a bit more PERSONAL. Don't you agree? (its also hilarious because those that know me are now guessing or want to know YOU too, I'll wager)
Dynamic Box Squat: 8x2@60%
Rep Box Squat: 3x10@50% of MAX
1x20@40% Focus on sitting back as if on a toilet bowl. Stay tight with the shoulders in the back pocket even at the lighter weight.
Split Squat: 3x15 Focus on keeping the knee directly over the ankle.
GHR: 3x12
AirDyne: 20 minutes LEGS only.
Trying to be nice here. See you tomorrow - your turn for a joke.
OK Me first -
What’s the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms?
One’s a Goodyear. The other’s a great year.
I get workout ideas and a little inspiration.
Keep it up!!
Has this critic ever researched and run your famous pullup program? Extracted your periodic (maniacal!) challenges that motivate us other old vets to get after it and try to keep up? Has a wife or child(ren) to relate to recurring family topics?
Yours is always the first log I too read daily—many thanks for consistently posting. Were I anywhere near the East Bay I'd happily be paying for your services. You're still the bees' knees for those of us with years in the game, Harry. I'm with the others here: stay the course and don’t change nuthin for nobody.