Prowler: 7x40 yards x 90 lbs
Dead Lift off three inch mats:
Work up to a heavy single, but leave some in the tank.
10" Box Squat: 8x12x50
Back Extension: 3x10
Conditioning Cals: 10 supersets of 3 chin ups and 7 push ups. No rest! Get the 10 sets as done as fast as you can.
Heart rate AFTER a one minute rest=140 bpm
NO, it isn't a Dunkin Fitness kind of thing. There was no kipping, and no breakdown of form to "Just Get Reps"... It's a Be Less of a PUSSY thing by Harry.
Just as I was heading out the door for my return bike ride, I THANKED my intuition and meteorological senses. I was going to send my Gortex warm ups home with April to lighten my carry load but thought otherwise. Glad I did. The sky opened up and the rain came down like Benjamins at a Strip Club.
I mean it POURED! As I was blistering through the Oracle Business Park (A short cut thanks to Larry Elison) I could hear the familiar chirps from umbrella tote'n pedestrians, "hey you're getting wet." and "don't you know it's raining?" from people in cars at the stop lights. Who would have thought how important the weather was until you are being told what it is while you ride a bike.
Love to state the obvious.
It hasn't let up and it doesn't look good for a distance run with my dog.
Although I am game, HE on the other hand will stand in the doorway and look at me like the passerby and motorist at those stop lights with the "I not going out in that, it looks painfully uncomfortable....blah".
Oh well, I'll just leave him home.
Mic Drop!