Fridays around my gym are fun as heck and quite purposeful when you think about it.
"Flex Friday" I like to get people warmed up with some light steady state conditioning followed by Accessory Arm work. After all, who doesn't like have'n a pump on the guns for a Friday greet and meet?
While it is one of our few vulgar displays of meathead mentality and work only the biceps and triceps it also allows for an "Active Recovery" (especially during a Dynamic Week) to help the Nervous system get itself reset to the factory settings.
When more than one of my team players tells me how exhausted they are I know it's time to schedule in some "lighter" activity.
Not one but two of my folks told me of their 90 minute naps yesterday afternoon. While funny, it is an indicator that we need to back the fuck off a bit.
NEEDING more coffee or an energy drink is not what I want my teams to do. Naps are cool when they are the 23 minute, NASA approved kind. (More than that can and usually messes up the normal nighttime sleep cycles)
During that sleep the repair and growth happens. BUT...if you need a jolt to stay awake to do the job you were hired for, then we need to adjust, adapt, and overcome.
Plan your programs to include either Active Rest or a complete De Load. It will help in the larger plan ahead
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 22 minutes
Bike Commute: 25 minutes
Tempo Arms
BB Curl: 4x8
Tricep Pushdowns: 4x12
DB Curl: 4x8
DB Supine Tri Ext. : 4x12
DB Hammer Curl: 4x8
Dips: 4x12
Pull Up Hell: x 1000 reps