I was talking about Religion v. Spirituality today. I know, I know one of the two (now more) things you shouldn't talk about if you want to avoid confrontation, but who cares, since it is a fairly Holy Weekend?
Passover, Good Friday, Easter just lends itself to a conversation.
What started out as a "Name on the front and back of a sport's Jersey" turned into a bit of "witnessing" for me and those within ear shot.
I don't argue with anyone about their beliefs when it comes to religion or even NOT believing. However, for me, I was in a dark place and made a promise to my God. No, not the one that I'll go to church every Sunday, (he knew I was lying) but the one that if God gets me through this, I will give him FULL credit for everything that is GOOD that comes my way afterwards.
I don't go to a formal "Religious" place of worship. I lean towards not having to do that, and allow a steady stream of conversation and praises on a more informal level. Hell, God even speaks and understands my version of the English language. What could be better?
Well, I'm here to tell you, since he kept his end of the bargain, then so DO I!
Some would debate that it was going to happen anyway??? Fine, you can believe what you want, and I will continue to praise God my Father.
As I have told my Non Believing friends, no matter what you say, think, or do in deeds, I'll pray for you anyway.
In the meantime, I hope everyone enjoys the gifts that you believe in, or have worked for.
Happy Easter Motherfckers.
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 20 minutes on a full moon lit "Iron Horse Trail"
OHP: Work up to a heavy 4 reps. Beat last week
OHP II: 4x10 w/ same weight as last week
Front Raise: Zig Zag Bar for 4x10
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x 36-26-18
Bicep: 2x a pump
Tricep: 2x a pump
Supinated Lat Pulldown: 4x10 w/ pause
Ab Wheel: 2x20
Bike Commute: 19 minutes without much of an effort
Sprint: 7x100 @75%