Today's Training:
It's July 4th! America's birthday. I am taking time today and tomorrow away from the gym.
I slept in today and started my run at 4:00 AM PDT rather than the normal 3:00 AM PDT.
I thought about blowing it off totally and I began to toss and turn instead of falling back to sleep. Soooooo out we go!
On the run I let my mind wander from thought to thought. My way of "meditating" I suppose. It's good for me and I'm at a point now that it is therapy more than it is fitness.
Today I couldn't get off the thought of what it was like to have the balls to do what we did in 1776. I don't think we would be so aggressive today to get that job done again. Perhaps too many "feelings" would have been hurt and we surely don't want to offend anyone.
Then I thought about (of all things...) Dave Chappelle's comedy act and how he discussed his hiatus from the stage because of everyone's sensitivity and how it has ruined comedy.
Can you imagine Mel Brooks making "Blazing Saddles" today?
Where has the backbone gone? Has it been replaced by mediocre WISHBONES? No wonder we have gender issues, no one has any BALLS anymore.
As I ran in the pitch dark of the park, the sounds of the sprinklers watering the lawns for the day's activities that will happen later, my thoughts then turned towards the all the people that will be grilling and celebrating our Independence. The FREEDOM to do what they are doing. The FREEDOM to protest, and speak freely. The FREEDOM to debate and choose.
Then I chuckled at the joke I made the other day about "The Greatest National Comeback" ever displayed.
England had a 13 Colony lead and they BLEW IT! The lost and gave birth to THE GREATEST NATION in the WORLD!
I have travelled to other countries. I have many international "friends" on Social Media and one of my greatest pleasures is telling people that I am from THESE United States of America.
I pray we don't give that up...EVER!
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