I've done a terrible job of keeping up with my log posts. I'm going to give an overview of what I've been doing in my own training and the changes I'm going to make. It's nothing earth-shattering, but I have a new goal.
I had my assistant take front and back pictures of me. I knew surgery took its toll on my shoulders, but the pictures SCREAM how bad it really is. In an attempt to rectify this I plan on adding a "bodybuilding" component. Not real bodybuilding because I can't stand training like that. In a conversation with Wenlder he made a great point. With my background in training "like an athlete" it might take a non-traditional method to build myself back up - hence the bodybuilding idea. This made me think and I totally agree with him.
So, with the goal of trying to rebuild my upper body, especially my shoulders I have to take a slightly different approach. Not a heck of a lot will change. Up to this point I've been do 3-4 compound movements per workout. I really like this approach. Keep it simple and hit it hard.
My new plan stays true to that, but I HAVE to do more work on the areas that are lagging. My preliminary template looks like this:
- FBB Bench 5/3/1 (5's Progression)
- DB Squat: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- FBB FSL: 5x10 or 50 total reps
- DB RDL w/shrug: 5x10
- Various Rows: 5x10
- Neck: 50/Side or Rear Raises: 50/Face Pulls or Pull-aparts: 100
- SSB Squat or Trap Bar Deadlift (alternate each week): 5/3/1 (5's Progression)
- Dips or Push-ups: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- SSB/Trap Bar FSL: 5x5
- DB Incline: 5x10
- Various Rows: 5x10
- Neck: 50/Side or Rear Raises: 50/Face Pulls or Pull-aparts: 100
Saturday (home games)/Sunday or Monday (away games)
- Press 5-10x5 (start at 95lbs and add 5lbs each week - take a step or two back when needed)
- DB Squat: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- FSL (DB Press or DB Incline): 5x10
- DB RDL w/shrug: 5x10
- Various Rows: 5x10
- Neck: 50/Face Pulls or Pull-aparts: 100
If I train on Saturday or Sunday I'll follow the above. If I end up training on Monday I'll simply drop the lower body work to be fresh for Tuesday OR I'll do the opposite movement that is planned for Tuesday. (Squat - RDL on Monday/Trap Bar - DB Squat on Monday) OR (yes, another "or") I'll do body weight lower work (RFESS, GHR or something similar).
If you have been following my training you'll see it's very similar. I'm simply going to do more work with more focus on the upper body.
The pictures even have me disciplined to get more protein in. Although I have been eating pretty well, I can always add more protein via shakes. Can't hurt. Plus, they're free.
As far as my progressions (Squat/Bench/Deadlift), I'll just continue with what I've been following. I estimated those maxes and simply add 5lbs to each number after each 3 week cycle.
All in all, training has been going pretty well. I had a few hiccups with a back spasm and some rotator cuff issues, but it hasn't stopped me. I think the change in goals will re-energize me a little bit as I finish up the last 7 weeks of football season. I plan to take some more pictures then to see if my efforts have paid off.
I'll still do some light/easy conditioning 3-4x a week (bike or weighted vest walks). I feel too good to stop these.
Here's to building some shoulders to be proud of, again.