I’ve never been great at marketing myself, the gym or my products. Thankfully word of mouth has been effective enough to keep the gym going as well as to sell a steady amount of Home GHRs and OBB Power Handles.
Although it’s a very beneficial training tool, the The Powerloop isn’t selling as well as I had hoped. Because of this, and my poor marketing skills, posts like this (from someone I don’t even know) are greatly appreciated and reaffirm that everyone who trains heavy could benefit from the use of the Powerloop.
#Repost @00dietz with @get_repost
"Doing some back and arm assistance work today, I thought to myself “why not put the @powerloop to use?” So I pulled it down and went to work.
Before I go on, I have to preface this by saying I get nothing for posting this, not a thing. That said, I used it with all my pressing today and damn... I absolutely love the loop and foresee it being an extremely beneficial tool.
At this very moment, sitting in my gym contemplating my life choices, I want to both praise Brian (@plant_based_wolverine ) and also curse him.
The powerloop exposes weaknesses like nothing else I’ve tried. I struggle with “pulling the bar apart” when I bench and I can 100% tell a difference since using this. My tris, lower trap, and rear delts (areas I know I need work on) are lit up. I can’t wait to incorporate it in my training more."