I have ridden thousands of miles on my bicycle. Hell, when I trained for triathlons and the Ironman I would come close to 400 miles in a WEEK! I've been hit six times in the years by cars and ONE garbage truck. I DO take a few calculated risks from time to time, but mostly I ride safe. Today I was staying WITH traffic at speeds that were normal for road conditions and the flow on the road. I weaved a couple times, and then beat two yellow (well actually red but were only pink..if you know what I mean) lights. When I JUMPED the green next to local law enforcement, he lit the lamps and sirened me over to the side. He got out and looked at me as if to lecture me on public traffic safety when he led into the conversation with, "Have you been drinking?" When I answered with Why, YOU BUYING? He could only crack up laughing. So I did too.
Yup this is going to be a GREAT Weekend.
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
OHP: 6 rep w/ PRE =7
10/2 DB Raise:
Not front or lateral raise but hands come up at 10:00 and 2:00 o'clock with thumbs up. Once parallel to the ground add a shrug:
30 reps: men@15lbs Women@5lbs
Shrugs: 30 reps: men @365 women @135
Negative Chins: 9 reps ( I used a 25 lbs vest)
Alternating DB Curl: 30 reps Men @25 women @ 10
Negative Dips: 9 reps (I used a 50 lbs vest)
Alternating Supine DB Tricep Extension: 30 reps Men @25 women @15
Suspended Knees to Elbows: 30 reps
Bike Commute: 20 minutes