“You know, when you get older, you’ll stop doing all of that stupid shit.”
“You will tear everything off before you’re done.”
“This will kill you someday. Your [fill in the blank] can’t handle it”
“I highly suggest you totally stop lifting heavy.”
“One day you will realize it’s not worth it.”
“There is no reason for you to be doing what you do.”
“I’ll always support you, but not what you do.”
“With all of your issues, you don’t have a clue what your doing.”
Here's the thing; I’ve heard all of this more times than I can count, and trust me, I know the damage I’ve done and still do. I know this when I wake up, walk, sleep, and at every damn moment of my life. I’ve grown up and lived in the philosophy that it’s better to burn out than fade away. I’ll never deny that, look at me! I couldn’t deny this if I wanted to. I don’t say this to brag or boast, as what I do and have done is NOT what I advise, nor what I teach my kids. This isn’t what I’d consider a positive characteristic but it is who I am. I know why. It’s in my blood and works for me.
I’m the definition of “do as I say, not as I do” and you know what? At 50 years old, with the shit I’ve been through, I’m not changing. I also have no intention of changing the world, as, in the grand scheme of things, I’m irrelevant. I will have the same number of people at my bedside when I die as most others. That’s my relevance.
However, I’m not letting the world change me, regardless of what anyone thinks or says. Please, spare me the lecture on how I will change my tune after things get really bad. I’ve been there! More than once. My version of “bad” is defined very different than others.
I’m not sure how or why I’ve never “grown up,” but fuck it. I am what I am.
I love my family, I love my work, and I love to train hard. My best times with my family are those times that nobody sees, my best work is done when nobody is around, and my best sets in the gym are when nobody is watching or cares.
I will burn out before I fade away.
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