A few years ago, I was standing with the Great Ed Coan, Steve Goggins and Buddy Morris while attending a Strength and Conditioning seminar at the Compound that is EliteFTS.
The four of us were talking about everything and nothing while fielding questions that would arise from some of the attendees in a very casual setting.
I was mentioning to the group that between the four of us we had over 200 years of experience, me raising the age by only a lot at that moment, when the conversation turned to "how much weight does the tension of a certain band add at the top of the moment during a squat.
The question (and subsequent answer for me) was raised by the others, "what are bands?"
It was an "ah-ha" moment. Why the heck was I complicating the workouts with all the "fluff" when most of the people I had been training couldn't even lift the WEIGHT?
Right then, I ditched the "pollution" and got down to the nitty gritty and simplified the protocol.
Yes, bands and chains have their place. They are sexy as hell to train with and a lot of fun at the same time. But why bother with all that "cool" stuff when the basics haven't been satisfied?
Boom! Eliminated that from my program (until someone comes along that is ready for them).
If the G.O.A.T. , the World Record Holder, and the Strength Coach for an NFL team doesn't place a large emphasis on them, then I surely don't need to either.
Use the ESSENTIALS until you need the extras.
Today's Training:
Squat: 20 sets (yes, twenty) of 2 reps, at 60% of max
GHR: 3x12
Concept II Row: 33:30
Bike Commute: 20:00