One of my college kids is back for the holidays. He's been with me for about 6 years in total. He's a good athlete and can make it if he really applies himself. Good family, good looks, GREAT athleticism and smart!!!
I have one of those weeks where I need to cram 5 training sessions into 4 days. So to do that, I am programming 1.25 work outs per day, leaving the "conditioning" to the individual's discretion.
You'd think by now when I say that, people would take it as NON OPTIONAL work and just go get it done. Not this young man.
I suggested he take care of business and not wait until later. Why?
Later never comes for many and it doesn't happen.
All I told him was that in order to become a PRO he needs to get after the business of thinking and performing like a Champion. AND CHAMPIONS DON'T WAIT!
A bit more hemming and hawing and my face turned from the smile to the "look" I give people right before the "Riot Act" gets announced.
Want to know what he did?
Yep. It's in the record books folks. One step closer to the contract!
Today's Training:
Dead Lift
Reverse Hyper
45 degree back extension
Lat Pulldown
DB Row
Bike Commute