I have had an ongoing issue with plantar fasciitis for a while, actually TOO long. The issue has kept me from logging any kind of running mileage or even sprints.
I've supplemented my running with extra biking which I don't mind, but the LSD running is hard for me as I am a more fast-twitch fiber type, and have to work on making them act oxidatively giving me a satisfying sense of accomplishment when I do the mileage.
Because the body will meet any objective even at the risk of overcompensating for the original injury by creating a new one, I've incurred some pretty painful sciatica as well.
My focus on ridding myself of the sciatic nerve issue to the point of neglecting the Plantar fascitis I've added a couple of short distance runs and aggravated the snot out of my foot again. To the point, I felt a "POP" on the bottom while moving quickly across the room Christmas night.
The searing pain was cause for some distress while planning today's squat session. I literally had to balance the weight not too far forward or back in order to achieve a position where the pain did overshadow the task.
That focus kept me mentally in the rather and otherwise HARD duration of the sets and reps we did.
Now...to figure out this foot thing once and for all!
MORE Gastroc/Soleus Stretching, ice, and then contrasting baths. In the meantime rolling the bottom of the foot on a lacrosse ball is what is happening now!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins.
Squat: 20x5x20 lbs more than the 12 rep weight used the last squat session.
GHR: 5x10 (this was really irritating on the foot...but knew I had to do them)
AirDyne: 30 mins
Meridian Stretch Exercises