Change is said to be a good thing. So we did. Instead of working UP to a max chain weight on the dynamic weight for the floor press, we turned it around.
Last week we used four or five chains per side and lifted a 3 rep max of our dynamic bench weight. I know, sounds confusing but it's really not.
I was determined to hit a heavier floor press this week for 3 reps, but...we started with the chain load that knocked most out last time.
So we reduced the chains to THREE and began increasing the bar weight at FIVE reps.
After getting stuck with more than deuce and a quarter we moved on by Overhead shoulder pressing. 10 sets of 3 reps with 20 pounds more than our original start weight.
Cable crossovers for three sets of 30 reps and Dumb bell lateral raises of the same set/reps ended our weight training today.
Quick bike commute and some sprints later in the way of 6x10 yard power skips, 6x40 yard form run and 4x100 cool downs will make for a great afternoon.