All know that I have many Rules according to Me. Rule #67 is a simple rule that requires you NOT to complain.
When I hear complaints I equate the sound to be much like Charlie Brown's teacher's voice, the trumpet with the cover thing going "waaaa, waaa, wa?...Wa waaaa waaaa wa wa"
Today was FILLED with the Rule Breach!
It all started with the following:
Today's Training:
How much can you really squat for a single rep? Predict it, don't work up to it. Really, give me a figure.
THIS question caused major issues in the gym today. I have more than once, had the patience of the Pope in a Brothel of Hugh Hefner's BEST and I will usually coax an answer out. But because we got home late last night from hockey practice and I was not in the mood because I was getting in with the strong fellas, my fuse was half length and burning quick.
Granted EVERYONE has a back story. I am tolerant (or at least I think I am) most of the time. But there comes the time of bifurcation, that do or die when I have no more flexibility and lose my mind.
Target acquisition today??? Anyone having menstrual cramps! It is MY opinion that only two out of four weeks per month, MOST women leave the planet and bring in a substitute alien that has little in the way of critical thinking and is solely on the planet to bust every man's balls no matter who they are.
Arguing is futile. There is no reasoning or reconciliation of any deeds or conversations.
Now ladies, no need to argue any points here with me, since we are not going to be swapping DNA nor am I about to receive a blow job, there is NO debating this matter.
So today with that single question...How heavy do YOU predict you can squat, did the Gates of Hades open up.
Not only the early morning female crew leave in a huff, (include my own bride) so did a few others through out the morning.
My response was...I am NOT going to tell you what I predict or know...YOU need to tell ME so I can help you figure out ABOUT 85% of that PREDICTION so you can WORK UP to that number and do TWO SETS of THREE reps for those Boxless Squats.
Follow it up with 8x1x as many bands as you can apply and STILL do 45% of your max dead lift.
Needless to say...The fellas had good sessions, many breaking previous PR's and others seeking out Isle 5 at Walgreens or any other drug store to seek out feminine hygiene products.
I'll clean up Isle 2-7 come Monday!
As for now, I'm going to take my cranky ass to the recliner for a NAP!