Today I brought into focus the "HOW to verbalize what you want". The moment I tell a person what NOT to do, they go and do it. (face palm)
If only I tell a person what I WANT them to do, and leave the other stuff out, I get what I ask for.
If I need to change a person's behavior, I tell them what behavior I'd like them to demonstrate without the negative to it or the antagonist behavior OR the flawed. Then they only KNOW what I tell them.
Think about this, Colin Kaperneck took a knee during our National Anthem. Others have followed suit. NOW, every time the National Anthem is played at the onset of a NFL game, the camera pans to the players taking a knee, reinforcing what they want us to protest WITH them, regardless if we agree or disagree.
Why not pan to the players that have their hands over their hearts? The one's mouthing the lyrics? The teared eyes of people that are paying their respects rather than their political protests.
I think we have become fan's of a Real Life Jerry Springer Show.
Why not focus on the things that are positive, to create POSITIVE change?
Don't focus on the areas of weakness unless you are figuring out WHAT the weakness is in order to change it.
I acknowledge people's flaws when they train, and give them instructions on HOW to change those things systematically.
Seems simple enough...
Suspended Good Morning: Work up to a Heavy 5 reps. (315)
Double Over hand Dead Lifts from block just below the knee: Work up to a heavy 5 reps. (365)
Prowler: 8x40x90 before the rains.