I was talking with some of my early morning participant about technology and stuff, when one announced that I was on Instant gram. To which I replied..."WHAT? Nooooo... I don't know how. I mean I didn't sign up for anything nor do I have a camera phone". They said..."No coach, you have people already 'following' you and I am too."
How this took place is a mystery.
I will write this post, attach it at the bottom to Twitter, Facebook and then I go to Facebook and put it on the EliteFTS page.
From there I will go through about 5-10 minutes on the newsfeed until I am amply pissed off, then I'll message a few RANDOM people that are on my "friends" list.
That's it! All in all about 15 minutes of total time, and then I leave the thing on during the day, and if the little red thingy is lit up, I'll see if it's important.
How I got an Instant gram is beyond me. I don't know how to even get to it.
Then Lara was telling me how her son would make fun of her when she had questions about tech stuff. She then told me that she fended him off with ...."Hey, I taught you how to use a fucking fork"
Not big deal...(or is it?)
My best council today was when I was asked about avoiding looking fat in a photograph, I told them the best thing to do is to lose some weight! (Then "The Look")
Wide Mag Bar Pulldown: 2x as many as you can do x 150
Medium Mag Bar Pulldown: 2x as many as you can do x 150
Medium Supinated Mag Bar Pulldown: 2x as many as you can do x 150
V Mag Bar Pulldown: 2x as many as you can do x 150
Pull up DEATH: 5 hand positions x as many pull ups as you can do in each.
Shrugs: 3x20x405
45 degree back extensions: 3x30
Blast Strap Row: 3x as many as you can do.
Dips: 250 reps in as few sets as possible
Rope Push Downs: 110 lbs x18,16,15
American Bar Skull Crushers: 85 lbs x 15,15,12
Seated Dumbbell Curls: 25lbs x 25; 30lbs x 20; 35 lbs x 12
Seated Hammer Curls: SAME