I don’t normally write like this, but this is a pet peeve of mine that could benefit a lot of lifters if avoided, so I thought this might get your attention more than my usual posts. Way too many lifters max before they compete, fry their CNS, and wonder why they feel so weak on meet day. You should feel comfortable enough with your openers that you could do them for a double, but should save your second and third attempts for the meet.
This has been the method that I’ve always used, had my lifters use, and recommend you use as well. This allows you to feel confident in your opener, then lets your CNS feel your 2nd and 3rds without overtaxing yourself.
4 Weeks out - Heavy doubles with 80-90%
3 Weeks out- Opener through a full ROM with no assistance, 2nd attempt w/reverse mini bands (or 1 board for bench), 3rd attempt w/reverse light bands (or 2 board for bench)
2 Weeks out- Opener with w/reverse mini bands (or 1 board for bench), 2nd attempt w/reverse light bands (or 2 board for bench), 3rd attempt w/reverse average (or light) bands (or 2 or 3 board for bench)
1 Week out- Deload w/60-70% for triples
0 Week (meet week)- take off completely or train with up to only 50-60%
Here’s Orlando Barbell’s Matt Wallace’s Squat training from 3 weeks out and Bench training from 2 Weeks out from the APF Summer Siege:
My training methods are detailed through an entire training cycle in my EBooks for both raw and equipped lifters: