California has a "Rainy Season". Usually, it starts in late December or even January, but every now and again we will receive a stray storm off the Pacific. Today was one of those days.
Since my wife is traveling, I am tasked with the morning outings with our Bernese Mountain Dog. We don't need a mess to return to.
So out I go an hour even earlier than I usually get up and it's RAINING! Yikes!!!
The dog and my hamstring kept us out in the storm for about 40ish minutes and she did go...TWICE! Whew.
Since it's raining I contemplate driving the car into the gym, plus I can get back lickity split to let workers into my house as I'm having some renovations being done.
I figure since the rain is here, I'll take the dog with me to the gym too.
As the morning progressed getting closer to my normal departure time, I begin to think..."what kind of pussy I am because of the little bit of rain." I need to suck it up and get on my bike and ride regardless. After all, I'm the guy who takes an outdoor cold shower even when it's raining and or it's 33 degrees.
Then I remembered a saying that I used..."If you can safely take a shower without melting, then a little rain isn't going to harm you."
What did I do? Yep, you read it below...I broke out the Gortex top and my surfboard short bottoms and off I pedalled.
Good times.
For future reference:
It's raining? Do it wet
You're tired? Do it tired
You're hurt? Find a way that doesn't hurt and do it anyway.
You just don't "FEEL LIKE IT"??? Fuck you! Strap your helmet on and put your mouthpiece in, we are going NOW!
Today's Training:
Run: Well, more like an 'og (which is what very, very, large men do or injured ones, which is my case) 3 miles.
I had to take my dog out because my bride is traveling and the poor pooch would bust a gut if I didn't get her out before I left for the gym
Shoulder Reliever*
Cycle*: Commute
Daily 8:
- Blast Strap Row: 57
- Pushups: 57
- 45-degree Back Extension: 3x10
- GHR: 3x6 (hamstring rehab)
- Chin-ups: 55 total reps
- Dips: 3x10
- Fat Grip Dead Hang: 40 seconds
- Front Plank: 60 seconds
C/S Row: 5x12
Cable Row: 5x15
Shrugs: 5x15
Side Oblique Flex using the 45-degree back extension: 3x10