Now I'm not saying every time you enter the gym do you need to go Ape Shit. Monkey shit will do a lot of the time. But every now and again, you have to strap a pair on and say what I think will be my last thing to say before expiring from earth..."Fuck it!" and just go for it.
I have a pretty neat place to push the Prowler, behind the gym where I am at. The distance one way is roughly 60 yards in length. Often we will push only lengths until I am sure the level of endurance is enough that I'll then ask everyone to push it "down AND back" or one lap as I like to call it. Today's training required us to repeat Wednesday's script but I was personally running behind. So..."Fuck it" I ran it back to back to back to back or hitting double laps. Thinking this was a good idea for me, I figured instead of the 7 down and backs, I would do 3 "doubles" and one more lap. All was good on number one. On number two, I saw the Ghosts of Christmas past and present. The third one I saw God the Father himself! With my heart pounding in my chest like the drummer in a heavy metal band, I figured what the heck? One more...Fuck it! Go hard or go home. "If I die, I die".
Whether there was anymore benefit doing it this way or not, in my head it was worth the effort. I pushed my limit on that exercise for the day!
Proud and accomplished!!!
The Training
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Prowler: 7x120 yards x 60
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20 x 36-28-18 lbs kettle-bell
C/S T's: 4x25
C/S Y's: 4x25
Single Arm DB Side Lateral Raise: 4x25
Shrugs: 4x10x315
1x20 with a 10#
1x20 with a 16#
1x20 with a 20#...This is a custom sledge I had made, plate loaded; used for the next 2 sets as well
1x20 with a 30#
5x10 with a 40#
These and the heavy KB sessions are full body sessions and generally run for about an hour.